ISBN: 9780889977594
by Pope Francis
Pope Francis " " highly anticipated Encyclical Letter on the environment, Laudato Si or " "Praise be to you " , takes its title from Saint Francis of Assisi " "s Canticle of the Sun. In this document, the central question posed by the Holy Father is: "What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?" (No. 160). He adds, "Unless we struggle with these deeper issues, I do not believe that our concern for ecology will produce significant results." Indeed, with this Encyclical, Pope Francis wishes to " "enter into dialogue with all people about our common home " and calls for an " "ecological conversion " . In this document, the Holy Father:
- Reviews the " "present ecological crisis " based on the " "results of the best scientific research available today."
- Considers " "principles drawn from the Judeo-Christian tradition which can render our commitment to the environment more coherent. "
- Examines the symptoms and causes of the crisis " "to provide an approach to ecology which respects our unique place as human beings in this world and our relationship to our surroundings. "
- Presents broader " "proposals for dialogue and action " for both individuals and international public policy.
- Offers guidelines for human development based on the Christian spiritual experience.
" "I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. " " Pope Francis
168 pages
Location: ENC Category: ENC045