GIFTED BY GOD We Prepare for Confirmation LEADER'S GUIDE

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ISBN: 9782896882069

ISBN: 9782896882069

A family-friendly program containing both a leaders guide and candidates journal to help young Catholics prepare to celebrate the sacrament and live their faith today. Gifted by God aims to prepare young people to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation by providing how-to-use tips for catechists in a variety of settings and time frames. It includes flexible lesson plans that are easy to share with the diverse groups of candidates. Gifted by God is a contemporary guide for parish catechists who are preparing candidates for Confirmation and provides everything the catechist needs to deliver the program with ease and confidence. This program includes six sessions on living out a Christian life and the sacraments with an end-of-session Retreat.

Location: SCONF Category: SAC087

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