BRUISED AND WOUNDED: Struggling to Understand Suicide

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ISBN: 9781640600843

ISBN: 9781640600843

by Fr. Ron Rolheiser omi

When someone is stricken with cancer, one of three things can happen: Doctors treat the disease and cure it; professionals can " "t cure the disease but can control it so that the person suffering can live with the disease for the rest of his or her life; or the cancer can be of a kind that cannot be treated and all the medicine and treatments in the world are powerless " the person dies.

Emotional depression leading to suicide can work the same way. Sometimes a person can be treated so that, in effect, they are cured; sometimes they can " "t ever really be cured, but can be treated in a way that they can live with the disease for their whole life; and sometimes, just as with certain kinds of cancer, the disease is untreatable, unstoppable, and no intervention by anyone or anything can halt its advance " it eventually kills the person and there is nothing anyone can do. Thus, Ronald Rolheiser begins this small, powerful book.

With chapters also on " "Removing the Taboo, " " "Despair as Weakness Rather than Sin, " " "Reclaiming the Memory of Our Loved One, " and " "The Pain of the Ones Left Behind, " Fr. Rolheiser offers hope and a new way of understanding death by suicide.

96 pages

Location: AUTH Category: GRI036

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