AT THE CROSSROADS: Church and State Relations in Contemporary China

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ISBN: 9781999135508

ISBN: 9781999135508

by Louis K. Ho

A researcher on Church and State Relations in China, Louis K, Ho hold the Doctor of Ministry degree from St. Andrew's College at the University of Saskatchewan, Master of Divinity from Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Master of Theological Studies from St. Stephen's college at the University of Alberta, and Master of Education and Master of Library Science from the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Ho is a theologian and a member of the Catholic Theological Society of North America. He is also an electedFellow of serveral national and international institutions, including the Canadian College of Teachers, The BritishLibrary Association, the Royal geographic Society, the British College of Preceptors and Royal Society fo Arts. In addition, he was the recipient of the Queen's golden Jubilee medal in 2002 for his various contributions to the community.

Dr. Ho has tought at several universities, including the University of Alberta, the University of British Columbia, and teh University of Lethbridge. As well, he has publishedextensively on education and theology invarious professional journals and given talks at various institutions including Historica Canada. Currently he is Faculty Associate of St. Stephen's College at the University of Alberta, and devotes his time to researching and writing at the intersection of theology, sociology, economics, and politics. His earlier book, "The Dragon and the Cross: Why European Christianity Failed To Take Root in China" has received international acclaims.

Location: CHIST Category: CHU031

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