30 DAYS FOR HOLY SOULS Stories abou

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SKU/ISBN 9780895557995

Arranged as 30 Days for the Holy Souls, this book was written to engrave on the minds and hearts of its readers an indelible understanding about Purgatory—first, that it exists; second, that the souls detained there suffer long and excruciating pains, of the same nature as those of Hell, and thus that they desperately need our prayers, sacrifices and Mass intentions; and finally, that while we are still living, we ourselves should strive mightily to avoid Purgatory.We read in St. Matthew’s Gospel, “Be ye therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48). Yet we know that none of us is really perfect and that few human beings die in a state of soul where all their past sins have been atoned for during this life. Most people who save their souls, therefore, are destined to be detained in Purgatory, where the passage of “time” in their perception seems slowed to a hundredth or less of what we on earth experience. Thus, the agony of the Poor Souls often seems almost interminable.Stories About Purgatory will impress upon its readers’ hearts a healthy and holy respect for the sufferings endured by the Holy Souls, such that they will ever after remember them in their prayers and Masses and will strive to rectify their own lives, that they may avoid Purgatory altogether, or at the very worst, spend very little time there before being united to God in Heaven. Purgatory is a truly Catholic and consoling belief, and a reality whose truth has been buttressed by many famous true stories, recorded here, of the sufferings undergone by the Poor Souls, plus their gratitude toward and the wonderful aid they give to those who help them.Arranged as 30 Days for the Holy Souls, this book was written to convince readers of three things—first, that Purgatory exists; second, that the souls detained there suffer long and excruciating pains and thus that they desperately need our prayers, sacrifices and Mass intentions; and finally, that while we are still living, we ourselves should strive mightily to avoid Purgatory. Belief in Purgatory is both truly Catholic and consoling. Purgatory is a reality whose truth is buttressed by many famous true stories, recorded here, of the sufferings undergone by the Poor Souls, plus their gratitude toward and the wonderful aid they give to those who help them.


Catalog: 1987

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